Right now my life is constantly changing.  A lot of you know how the life of a missionary works.  But for those who don’t, let me explain.  The life of a missionary starts in the Missionary Training Center which of course is in Provo, Utah.  We stay there for three weeks if we are not learning a language.  Then we get sent out to an area in the world that we have been previously called to.  When we arrive we go to a meeting with all the missionaries and the president of the mission.  This meeting is called transfer meeting, where all the new missionaries get assigned to an area, and where old missionaries get assigned to a new area.  Then we have six weeks to work in that area before the next transfer meeting.  Take note that sometimes after those six weeks we stay longer. We don’t find out until the day before if we go or stay.

So my life is subject to change every six weeks.  Yes, its stressful but I have grown to love it.  I ‘ve come to learn that change is good.  I would’ve missed out on a lot of awesome experiences if I rarely got transferred or nothing ever changed.  Also just recently we got a new mission president.  That was a BIG change.  I did not want the last mission president to leave.  At the time I would have been perfectly fine with no change.  Inevitably the old one left and the new one came.  BUT I have already learned so much from the new mission president.  I have learned things that I probably wouldn’t have if things did not change.

In the Book of Mormon Lehi and his family are commanded by the Lord to leave Jerusalem, because it is going to be destroyed.  They left everything behind, their home, their belongings, everything.  They made a huge change in their lives.  Instead of complaining about their loss, Lehi says, “…I know that I am a visionary man; for if I had not seen the things of God in a vision I should not have known the goodness of God, but had tarried at Jerusalem, and had perished with my brethren.”  Not only was Lehi saved from the destruction of Jerusalem, but he was enlightened and increased in understanding.

So when life throws you a curve ball and changes things up, hang in there.  Change is good.

One response

  1. Michele Watts

    Nice entry on Change! Good reminders about embracing change and going forth with our best efforts. Keep the posts coming!

    July 6, 2010 at 8:23 pm

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